I was chit chatting it up and harassing Sarah (as I normally do) and I had a moment of sheer brilliance. Sarah likes guys with black hair and blue or green eyes. It hit me that Prince Eric, from the Little Mermaid, also had these features. Sarah's favorite Disney movie happens to be the Little Mermaid- coincidence? NO. That is because this theory also holds true for others. Examples:
Sarah and Prince Eric-
Sarah is ginger and so growing up with such a crippling physical appearance (:P) she took solitude in clinging to her only female ginger heroin since Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. Sarah loves Ariel and the Little Mermaid has been her favorite. The guy in that movie is none other than Prince Eric. Prince Eric is totally Sarah's type. He's charming, charismatic, athletic and knows a thing or two about chivalry. Sarah has never moved past him and it's made apparent even today in the type of guys she likes- both in physical and personality attributes.Vanilla Bear and Aladdin-
"Because of Aladdin, I have unrealistic expectations of men," says Vanilla Bear to me. Vanilla Bear is totally enamored with Aladdin. Everything about the film she loves, including our street urchin hero. I see Aladdin and he could easily fit right into VB's own Sex Collage. Also, the naughty Aladdin pic further reveals in which ways he is totally a VB guy- he's got the ASS. Vanilla Bears mortal enemy is the flatt butt and it makes sense that Aladdin would have bestowed upon him an ASS that would put all of Arabia to shame.Callie and Prince Phillip-
Callie loved Sleeping Beauty. She also loves Prince Phillip. Prince Phillip also has a resemblance to the guys she would go for. Prince Phillip in his underwear pic also looks oddly similar to a certain guy she is dating now, however, for full affect, I had to slap some glasses on him. Callie knows that she would ;) (also, side note- Callie told us that the guy she is seeing has a cute butt and that was also the first comment she made about Prince Phillip- you see where I'm going with this...)
Caramel Bear and The Beast/Prince Adam-
Beauty and the Beast is hands down my favorite Disney film ever. I grew up being Belle. I was her for Halloween and I totally identified her- I loved to read and had brown hair and brown eyes and people always (and still) thought I was a bit odd. The Beast isn't all that hot as a guy, but that doesn't matter, he's still totally my type- in both forms! As a beast he had the fringe hair and expressive eyebrows. He's all brooding and shy as well. As a human, he was pretty and sweet. Also, he was French throughout the entire film. If that's not my type, then I don't know what is.Venice and Mufasa-
Venice's favorite movie was The Lion King and her favorite from that film was Mufasa*- Enough Said!
*Pic of Mufasa in underwear currently unavailable
*Pic of Mufasa in underwear currently unavailable