February 08, 2009

Let's discuss

Okay, so I a blog analysis thing and I was checking it out to find out how people find out about my blog. Ever since I got that person who came across my blog from googling "Enrique Iglesias loves nutella" I am ever so interested in finding out exactly why my blog comes up. Here, I have the most recent keyword analysis and all of them I understand except the two in red. They perplex me. My thoughts in order of occurance:
1-Oh my God, I hate Metze so much
2- Eww, someone found my blog when they were actually looking for him
3- Who is looking for a Puyol picspam
3- Well, whoever is, I don't know if I want them reading my blog
4- It was only a post on how bad his hair was
5- ugh
6- Does Enrique Iglesias really love Nutella? How would I find that out for certain?


Misty Stiletto said...

Oh wow, how'd you do this?

A Puyol pic spam?? Ewwww!! And I am glad someone else doesn't like Metzelder, he seems such a creeeeep!

Sarah said...

Hahaha this whole entry made me crack up! wtf indeed.

Vanilla Bear said...

Poo action figures? LMAO

blank said...

I am cracking up. Hottie bears, poo action figures, cashus, is it possible to stick sequins with a bedazzler LMAO.

if you find out about enrique i want to know now to, you've piqued my curiosity.