October 23, 2008

'Action' figures and Poo Fighters

I was at Graywhale last night and I came across some 'action' figures of both presidential nominees. In the artwork on McCain's box McCain appears evil and angry looking, Obama on the other hand has a big grin and is friendly looking. You may say that this is because the toy company is biased, but believe me, that is not the case. McCain is evil and angry and Obama is friendly and a smiley kind of guy! I also noticed that even action figure McCain has bad posture and saggy jowls. I was so tempted to buy the Obama doll action figure, but then I thought it would be weird to have a mini representation of the possible (and hopefully) future president of the United States.
"John McCain: A call to 'action' figure" Too bad it's the wrong action he's calling for."Barak Obama: a action figure we can believe in" I agree!
And also, because I'm about 5 years old emotionally, I saw this and had to take a picture because it made me laugh harder than it should have.


Vanilla Bear said...

Lol Poo Fighters!

And Steph you should have totally bought an Obama doll! Unless it was really expensive or something?

blank said...

oh love the action figures! why do they have ape arms though? i found an obama bobble head doll. i'm probably going to get it, but the only other bobble doll i have is Mr. T so it will be kind of an odd collection.

lol @ the poo fighters.