October 24, 2008

Coconut and Mojito

My bunnies are feeling neglected with the amount of love for my cats so I thought I'd show them how much I love them today. Here is Coconut (girl, white) and Mojito (boy, black) in all their bunny cuteness.


Vanilla Bear said...

Awww bunnies are so cute! Mojito - awesome name Steph!

Stephanie said...

When I got my very first bunny a few years ago I promised myself that if I ever got a pure black bunny I would name it Mojito. When Pancakes passed away and I went to the pet store to get a new pal for Coconut, I saw him and had to have him so I could name him Mojito!

Anonymous said...

*dies of cuteness overload*
Now I missed my bunnies... Kiki and Koko.
Mum gave them away when I was a little kid ;(

Misty Stiletto said...

My God they're huggge. Very sweet though.