The bads of trick-or-treating can be interpreted many different ways. I could do a post on giving away candy, having to take kids out, the possible dangers of going door to door or random peoples houses, but that simply isn't my style. I decided instead to do a post on the top 10 worst trick-or-treat handouts that I have at one point recieved and why. I obviously don't trick-or-treat anymore, but this will maybe help you know what kids who still do want. This also allows for me to make a list and lists are always fun.
#10- Candy Corn- When people claim to hate candy corn, I know it isn’t true. I know that really, deep down inside, they just hate themselves. However, if you are one of the people who don't hate yourself, then you will go out and buy candy corn.
#9- Dum Dums- What's best about these is that they come in so many artificial flavors that there is always at least one you like, the bad about it however is that you rarely get that flavor. Also, a lot of people just simply don't like dum dums and only give them away so they themselves are not tempted to eat the Halloween candy they bought. This makes for an overload of what isn't even a full sucker. It is also a sign of someone who is cheap
#8- Mary Janes- I don't really like peanut butter, that's my only reason. Tragically a lot of people buy these because they are a "Halloween" candy and I always got a ton of them.
#7- Tootsie Roll Assorted Pack- So many tootsie rolls and in all form! I like them, but in little amounts. The boxes of dots are probably the only thing from the assortment that I like but then it only contains about 5 pieces and that's a let down.
#6- Smarties- I mean really? You couldn't come up with anything better?!
#5- Hard Candy- In any form it's a Halloween fail! Who goes thru their trick-or-treat bag thinking "Wow, I hope there is something small and hard I can suck on for about half and hour." No one does, that's who. They are also the worst for leaving that coating of sugar on your teeth.
#4- Anything 'Fun Size'- Since when was one bite of a candy bar fun?
#3- Apples- The last time there was an apple associated with witches, princesses, and small people, someone was trying to poison the other person. This is not okay. I went trick-or-treating for either tricks or treats, this qualifies as neither!
#2- Tootbrushes- Unless my parent is extremely stupid or neglectful why wouldn't I already have a toothbrush? Also, as if I needed more proof that dentist's are evil.
#1- "Halloween is satanic" Pamphlets- If you have never got one of these, boy, you are missing out! I remember recieving one when I was little and my mom took it and threw it out before I could read it. I think if I recieved one of those only a few years ago I might have gone and torched their front lawn and vindicate them. Luckily, I am a lot calmer now. However, Halloween is a fun time for little kids, keep your nonsense to yourself and stop trying to ruin it for everyone, Jerk!
This concludes my list of bad handouts for trick-or-treating. I hope you are all now informed and don't hand out any of this nonsense. It's not wanted!
Oh wow, I've been missing out in the world of trick or treating, I don't think I've ever been :(
Or if I have, the things I've received were so bad, I've blocked them from memory.
Good post! All of them are very true. Although I did like the flavored tootsie rolls okay.
And I wish I had gotten a freaky religious anti-Halloween pamphlet! Maybe it's not too late...
LOL Halloween is satanic!
Well, it kinda is, isn't that why it's so fun? *needs Lucyfer smiley*
I have to say though I do think it's mainly a US thing that has gradually become a huge deal over here. It never was when I was little but nowadays there's decorations, costumes and trick and treat stuff all over the shops, it's ridic.
And lastly, I am so intrigued about candy corn now... :D
#10) I don't know if I can explain in words my hate for candy corn. Like I said Halloween '98, things didnt go well.
#9) So true about Dum Dums! Loove Blue Raspberry, but have sadly only experienced it once or twice.
#6) Smarties, Smarties, Smarties!! I'm on a sugar high just thinking about them.
LOL at the rest, satanic pamphlets, really?! so mean. oh, and yeah my mom gave out apples and pencils one year. people don't trick-or-treat at our house anymore.
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