October 12, 2008

David Archuleta: an unwelcome part of my life

For those of you who do not know who David Archuleta is, let me tell you. David Archuleta is a 17 year old, Mormon boy from Utah. He is also the sweeter-than-sugar runner-up from the 257th season of American Idol. I don't watch American Idol, but having someone from your state be a final contestant is a huge deal (apparently) because when AI was on, he was featured on the local news 3/5 days a week. I couldn't escape him. Everywhere I went there was Archuleta fever, but I was having none of it. After he lost on American Idol (to someone you will probably never hear of again, I can't even remember who, but then I don't really care)he came back to Utah and there was mass chaos amongst the tween girls, all hoping to be the possible Mrs. David Archuleta. A few sold out shows and public appearances later, Archuleta fever subsided and he was kind of forgotten about. His fifteen minutes were up and I was okay with it. I had completely forgotten about him. That was until his new single hit the radio and here in Utah, it hit it hard. I can't turn on my radio or TV without seeing his smiling face. It's disgusting!

Well, all of this was fine until I went to I got stuck with a Carls Junior drive thru with Ashley (friend and Bro's GF). David Archuleta's song came on and she knows how much I dislike him, so she rolled down her windows and turned it up full blast. People were looking, and they were looking at me! I was so embarassed. Anyways, I was in the car with her the other night, and shocker! his song came on again! Then she delivered the worst possible news to me. She looked over and said "You know, every time I hear David Archuleta, I always think of you." I am forever now associated with David Archuleta. :(


Vanilla Bear said...

Omg Steph I laughed so much at this. He does look like a Donny Osmond style tween love object (Donny is a mormon right? Just wanted to make factual comparisons ;)

But yeah I'm going to associate him with you too... and when will they stop American Idol? Seriously! We had two seasons here and that was that!

blank said...

this is too funny steph. i just heard his song for the first time today. stay strong, you can get through this!